June 28, 2024
4 Min Read

Medicare Web Services - What You Need To Know

Medical Wizard Team

Medicare Web Services

What you need to know

The current technology used to transmit Medicare / Eclipse / DVA / AIR claims to Services Australia is being replaced by a new system that is known as Medicare Web Services. We have completed the development of this module and we are now undergoing testing with Medicare Australia to finalise our compliance.

In recent communications by Medicare in relation to Medicare Web Services, you may have also heard about Provider Digital Access (PRODA) account registration. PRODA is an online individual organization verification and authentication solution developed by Service Australia. It provides secure access to a variety of government online services for professionals.

In order to make life easy for you, we have taken the initiative to provide you with the necessary access in relation to PRODA authentication required for Medicare Web Services. Therefore, there is no immediate or urgent need for you to register with PRODA to be able to access Medicare Web services and related online claiming facilities.   

However, if you would like to access some of the other digital services provided by the government such as My Health Record and ePrescription service, you will have to register your organization and it's service providers with PRODA.  

There are a few government agencies that have dedicated staff to help you with this process and their contact numbers are here for you to seek help and guidance in relation to the PRODA registration.

Provider Digital Access (PRODA)
Phone 1800 700 199 and select Option 1
Monday to Friday, 8 am to 5 pm local time
Email proda@servicesaustralia.gov.au

You Can Continue Using Eclipse Even After 13th March 2022

As per the recent communication from Medicare Australia, you can continue to transact with Eclipse digitally after the proposed cut off date of 13th March 2022.

In order to facilitate this, all Medicare and PBS Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) site certificates are being renewed. This will be sent to you by Medicare Australia to you via Medicare Australia secure messaging channels or via a CD in the mail.


It is important that you have your new PKI certificate installed before 13 March 2022. This will ensure you can continue to transact with Eclipse digitally after this date. Medicare is now releasing new certificates that are valid till 2023. If you have renewed your certificate after January 2022, you do not have to worry about redoing this.


Please see the communique issued by Medicare Australia here.


Medical Wizard and Our Preparation


Medical Wizard expects to be compliant with the Medicare Web Services claiming process on time, enabling you to transition to the new online claiming process without disruption to your claiming processes.


After successful completion of the development work of the Medicare Web Services module in Medical Wizard, we are now undergoing the compliance testing and we expect it to be completed soon.


We were able to complete the development of the Medicare Web Services module in Medical Wizard on time, thanks to our team of experienced developers and designers who worked tirelessly for the past 8 months. Our focus was to provide the extensive functionality offered by Medicare Web Services to our clients while keeping it simple and easy to use.


With this in mind, when implementing Medicare Web Services in Medical Wizard,  we have minimised changes to the user interface and user procedures. This means, when you transition to Medicare Web Services, you will not need much training as you are already familiar with the existing claiming services.


What Do You Need To Do?


1.Register with us for Medicare Web Services:

As mentioned above, Medical Wizard can take care of your Medicare Web Services though our PRODA account resulting in a hassle free device authenticating and maintaining experience for you. When Medicare Web Service is online, we will assign your facility a unique reference number.


Please fill this form below so that we can register your organization to access Medicare Web Services.


2. Register directly with PRODA:

If you require use of some of the other digital services provided by the government, such as My Health Record and ePrescription service, we advise you to create a PRODA registration for your facility.


Please click here to proceed with registration of your organization with PRODA.


That's it for the moment. We will contact you shortly with further details when Medicare Web Services compliance is finalised.  

You can find the official email by Medicare Australia here.

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