How To Find A Healthcare Focused Lead/Marketing Option In A Sea of SaaS

June 28, 2020

Most lead management systems are not made to handle the intricacies of healthcare and medico-legal requirements in relation to your data. You can spend months trialing apps that simply cannot handle the workflows you require and/or provide the data security you need.

To break it down a little more.

There are many SaaS solutions with tons of features to handle customer relations (yes, we do use one ourselves), but, they are simply not designed to handle patient and referring doctor relationships, nor will they likely develop features to fully meet the security and workflow needs of the healthcare industry.

Another issue is, often, you cannot select where your data gets stored, and this puts the massive risk of exposing confidential data, that legally may not be able to be hosted outside of Australia, being stored at various global data warehouses, most often based in the US and Europe, where, data hacking tends to be much more commonplace.

That's why we built our Lead/Marketing Management module, to be patient-centric and process-centric activity driven, enabling your team to manage key areas such as proposed procedures, incoming referrals, and your marketing campaigns.

You no longer have to find workarounds and hope that after testing countless products you stumble upon one that can at least get 80% of what you need to succeed. Ask yourself, why pay for a product that isn't built for you, and one that you may need to be changed again, once another seemingly 'promising' option comes along. Only to then spend time transferring data, finding inconsistencies, and ending up back to square one in a couple of months, and as we all know, the cycle goes on.

But rest assured, you now have the opportunity to end to this never ending game of marketing app roulette.

A Leading/Marketing Management Solution Built For Australian Healthcare

Medical Wizard's Lead/Marketing Management module can be customised to meet your requirements.

We did not build it with the intention of mass-consumption like most SaaS options do, and therefore, you're only going to get the features you need, giving you the most streamlined experience for your marketing workflow. The best part is, your data stays where you want it, whether you're hosting your data via our cloud, or at your premises, as the module is part of our ecosystem, you will have your records readily accessible, without having to run an export of your data or expose your network to resource hogging 3rd party data sync services.

Keeping good relationships with your patients and referring doctors is vital, it can make or break your practice, just like it would with any other business, as they are your customers. But, if you're struggling to find a solution to enable you to do this, then, why not give ours a go, as we will work with you to ensure that you have the necessary features and workflows to commandeer your marketing efforts.